Thursday, August 29, 2013

August, Day 29 - Dr. Who, Before You Exit, and Failed Goals

I must say, I didn't complete my science goal. It's a total bummer, I know. I think I have pretty good excuses for it though! Not that excuses are really impressive... So first excuse: Our cat ran away or gotten eaten by the lovely owls that reside in our lovely village so we are left to feed her kittens by an eye dropper ever two hours. I have been sent to kitty duty for a few days. Second excuse: My birthday! I spent the day before my birthday hanging out with one of my friends and then she came over for a sleepover. In the morning, we started making my cake. In the afternoon we biked 40km. Yes, 40 whole kilometers. LIKE SERIOUSLY 40 WHOLE STINKING KILOMETERS!! It was amazing. I had set for myself the goal of biking 40km by the end of summer and I totally did it! It was amazing! During the last stretch I really had to battle my mind because I was so sore and tired that I came so close to just calling my sister to just come and pick me up. But I did it! Ah! Now I have decided that I want to bike to this city that is an hour's drive from my house. It will probably take all day to accomplish it. It's about 90km, I think. I'm not actually quite sure and I don't feel like looking it up.
   Anyways, third excuse: Wait... Do I even have a third excuse? I don't remember... Shoot. I was so sure I had a huge bunch load of reasons. Maybe I'm just a lame bum. Oh wait! I was catching up on my Dr. Who. I started watching it this year and I'm just about finished the third season. I can't express truly how much I love that show and David Tennant. I guess that is probably the lamest excuse in the world of excuses. *In whiny voice* I was watching Dr. Who! *sigh* My nerdy is showing. I apologize. Oh wait, maybe I don't because I SAW DR. WHO MONOPOLY!! It was in Chapters. $40. I must get it. I might purchase it tomorrow if I go to the city.
   I have a new favorite band other than Hunter Hayes now. It's Before You Exit. My friend, Dawn, showed them to me and I'm kind of obsessing. I kept telling myself that I wouldn't obsess over them and the next thing you know it they're the background on my computer. So embarrassing. Maybe I should have left that detail out. I hope they come out with more music really soon. I keep listening to them on repeat all day. I'm worried that I'm falling in love with boys that I will never meet. It's pitiful. I should really be more realistic. I'll never be able to meet them. *sigh*
   I keep thinking of doing those YouTube covers soon. Should I do it? What if I get famous? That would be horrible! I don't know if I could stand a bunch of silly people obsessing over me. :P I also have a wee bit of a cold so I can't sing... Well I can, but it might not sound that good. That would also mean that I would have to fit in another activity to my schedule. Maybe I could have a music-y evenings. I am supposed to practice piano in the evening but I never get around to it. Music evenings might be a good idea for me besides my hand sewing... To sing or not to sing! That is the question! Do you think I should go for it? Let me know in the comments!
   Well that's all I can think about writing tonight. I will either post tomorrow or I will be practicing a song for a YouTube cover. Good night!
   Love, Mary xoxo

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