Saturday, January 11, 2014

January, Day 11 - New Years, New Reading List and New Lessons

I have compiled my list of books to read this year and I'm really hoping I can actually complete it. I'm not really a fast reader so it will be good to start reading a lot more in hopes that I speed up. I might get distracted by my new nail polish or so... Oh and I think I forgot to mention this: I FINISHED CHEMISTRY! I am so glad. It was pretty brutal. Now I'm working on Human Biology and that is much more delightful. I also finished my Personal Finance course and I'm nearly done my Consumer Math (Only 3 more quizzes and a test!).
  I have come to realize that I need to balance my life a bit more. When doing my schoolwork I get super motivated for a few days and get loads done and then I end up slacking of for a few weeks. It's a horrible cycle that has been plaguing me for a long time and part of it was pushing myself too far and not letting myself enjoy myself because I was so worried about being behind in my schoolwork and not graduating at the same time as my friends.
  It doesn't really matter when I graduate! It's not like graduating late is going to label me a loser for the rest of my life. It's not going to make people not be my friends(unless they are the biggest snobs in the universe but I wouldn't want to be their friend much anyway). I work better when I'm not worried about failing other peoples expectations and that is my lesson I'm learning. I shouldn't be doing things in my life for everyone else's expectations of me. I'm not the smartest person in the world! I don't have to expect myself to be! I can go through my life and enjoy myself in my learning adventures. I'm not defined by my high school education. Seriously!
  This is kind of a rant to myself. I constantly need to realize that I have to do what I love and stop doing only what other people want of me. I need to stop worrying about other people's opinions. I'm not them, I'm my own person. This is also kind of a rant at the people who would criticize me because I didn't finish as much as they did(I didn't because I was too busy worrying about finishing as much as them) or because I don't have the official education of the Provence like someone from public school. The immaturity in this world disgusts me including my own.
  Conclusion? I'm going to stop worrying about what other people think about my education and just do the education that I want even if it means graduating late because I keep adding oodles and oodles of extra subjects for myself. I don't want to stop learning! I could spend the rest of my life in school if that was acceptable but unfortunately there's this thing about getting jobs and whatnot that is deemed more important.