Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August, Day 19

   Good day lovely person! I missed talking to you. I've had a bit of a busy week though I really can't seem to remember what I did for most of it... Yesterday, though, my sister and I had to make the birthday cake of our beloved little brother. It took a while and the results were disappointing. I've made such fabulous cakes with my sister in the past. For example, my birthday cake:

This one just didn't cut it for my taste. I will have to do better next time.
    Today, I spent the morning trying to coax myself from my sleeping chambers and to do schoolwork with no avail. I ended up browsing on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for most of it. Shameful, I know. The good thing though is that I actually got some chemistry done today and now I just have to study for the test. That will be 14 out of 16 modules finished. Two more modules and I will be done with chemistry FOREVER!!!! Well... actually... I was having some thoughts today. Chemistry has been getting fairly easy lately and it is even starting to get a little bit fun... It's just so stinkin' fascinating! So after graduation, I might get the advanced chemistry text book and go through it. I'm not sure though.
    While still on the topic of school, I managed to finish my art project for my Art 10 class! It was the third lesson, so I had to do a collage for it. I ended up enjoying it so much, I made one for my mom too. Here's what my first one looks like:

So currently that would mean I'm ahead of my schedule in Art 10 for this coming semester! I just need to finish my chemistry before September 1st and I need to be around lesson 45 in Algebra 2(I'm currently 37). I should also probably hurry and wrap up the Personal Finance and Private Law really soon as well. I want to have Personal Finance finished by September 12 and Private Law finished by September 26. They seem like reasonable goals. I also have to get ahead in my subjects to make up for the time I can't work during the fall Jewish festivals like Succot and Rosh HaShana. I haven't learned about them yet so I can't remember which ones I can't work on but I will try to get ahead in preparation for them. I'm excited to be celebrating all the Jewish feasts and festivals. This year I have decided not to celebrate Christmas but celebrate Hanukkah instead. It will be interesting since I have to somehow make it more enjoyable than Christmas. For Hanukkah, we have to have fried foods so that consists of latke (potato pancakes) and donuts. Yum, though I'm not entirely sure if my stomach can handle it.
    For the past month I've been experiencing on and off nauseousness. It mostly comes when I eat greasy food or have too much sugar and stuff. Today was exceptionally painful since I kind of ate leftover birthday cake for breakfast and lunch today... I DID EAT SOME HEALTHY FOOD TOO! No worries. I had scrambled eggs in the morning and garlic tomato soup with half of a garlic bagel(if you haven't noticed a pattern yet, I love garlic). Supper was spaghetti with cooked zucchini slices. It was pretty decent, though, I'm not a particular fan of zucchini. The only way I really like it is as fries. It tastes sooooo yummy. I made zucchini fries last week when it was my day of the week to make supper.
    Oh, and I also remembered that green tea helps prevent the nauseous feelings as well as certain fruits like blueberries and cherries. I'm hoping these feelings go away soon...
    I should really practice my French more. I can only say a few phrases and tell you colors, numbers, some fruits and vegetables, and the day of the week. The easiest that I remember is "Comment allez-vous?" which means "How are you?" I hope I spelled that right, otherwise that would be embarrassing...
   Unfortunately, I wasn't wearing a skirt or dress today. I spent the whole day in my jammies. It was nice.
I also downloaded a new app for my ipod. It is amazing. I will post about it in my back-to-school post that should be up a week before September 1st. So in one week it will be up! I'm excited! Also nervous though about keeping to my schedule. I need to bust out of my lazy and procrastinating habits. It's dreadful, really.
   I should get back to studying for chemistry since I will be doing the test tomorrow and possibly start on the next module as well as finish some algebra. Yum. But first I shall give you a peak of my working/blogging area with my chemistry in the corner: My Floor!

   Love, Mary xoxo

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